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Home / Games & Puzzles / Giving Kind | Kindness Chain - Classroom Edition

Giving Kind | Kindness Chain - Classroom Edition

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Create a colorful chain as your students complete 50 acts of kindness! each paper strip includes a simple and fun idea that can be completed on their own or together. Students will love working together to add each loop to their ever growing chain. when it is complete it will be a beautiful colorful chain of kind deeds they can display inside or outside their classroom!

The world needs kindness and we know it starts in our classrooms. Let's start a chain reaction of kindness in our children that spreads into our communities, churches and homes!

Keep the kindness going... Once the chain is complete you can take it apart, one link at a time and start the kind deeds all over again!

Eco-friendly information

• Packaging: Biodegradable, Compostable, Plastic-free, Recyclable, and Zero waste
• Product Materials: Biodegradable, Compostable, Nontoxic, Plastic-free, and Reusable
• Production: Ethically sourced and Fair trade