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Home / Jewelry / Dear Heart | Christian Necklace

Dear Heart | Christian Necklace

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Readiness Design: God is always working on our hearts, stirring us and making us ready for the plans that he has for us. If we follow and remain connected to him, he will lead us to the perfect time and place to pursue the purpose that we were created for.

Transformed Design: God will take your pain and hardships and create something beautiful. He brings beauty from ashes and uses broken stories for good.
If you are walking through a broken season like Bathsheba was, remember - your redeemer lives!

Unconditional Design: Jochebed was willing to do what didn’t make sense because of her faith and unconditional love for her child. She was the mother of moses and chose to place him into the river in a waterproof basket in hopes to protect him, as pharaoh had given an order for all newborn hebrew babies to be thrown into the nile river at the time of his birth. She didn’t know what the outcome would be, but she trusted god, and her trust came with great reward. He can be entrusted with our greatest treasures, even and especially those that we love.

Love sometimes requires crazy acts of faith and sacrifice for the good of others. Sometimes the plans god whispers to our hearts require hard choices and bold leaps of faith, but we can rest knowing that his plans are always for our good.

Necklace details:

16mm 20g disc with a beautiful heliotrope floral stamped into it.

14kt gold plated

18" chain

Made in the United States